New session on multi-techniques at EGU21

Call for abstracts for a new session at the EGU General Assembly 2021!

Are you working with multi-dataset, multi-objective or multi-model techniques in hydrologic or water quality modelling?
Then our new HS2.3.7 session on Multi-dataset, multi-variable
and multi-objective techniques to improve prediction of hydrological
and water quality models organized together with David C. Finger & Alberto Montanari is just the right for you!

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New objective function to account for discharge data uncertainty

Calibration data for hydrological models are uncertain

Discharge data used to calibrate and evaluate hydrological models can be highly uncertain and this uncertainty affects the conclusions that we can draw from modelling results. In this work, we investigated the role of discharge data uncertainty in hydrological model calibration to give recommendations on methods to account for data uncertainty.

Continue reading “New objective function to account for discharge data uncertainty”